East of India Noahs Ark Gift Boxed Set Hand crafted wooden Christening nursery


East of India Noahs Ark Gift Boxed Set Hand crafted wooden Christening nursery


Wooden Noah’s Ark Set
This exquisitely crafted set includes the Ark, Noah and his wife and 9 pairs of little wooden animals; 2 elephants, 2 crocodiles, 2 giraffes, 2 doves, 2 sheep, 2 camels, 2 pandas, 2 pigs and 2 horses. There is even a little wooden ladder to help them climb aboard!
Would make a beautiful keepsake gift for a new baby. Presented in a little East of India gift box, with ‘Noah & Co.’ on the lid.
Box Size 11 x 18 x 3.5cm approx
Please note this is not a toy.


1 in stock

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